10 Tips to Keep your Towels Soft

by | Jul 19, 2022

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think too much about your towels. But if you want to keep them looking and feeling their best, there are a few things you should keep in mind. Here are ten tips to help you keep your towels soft.

1. Use the right detergent.

The type of detergent you use can make a big difference in how soft your towels are. Avoid using too much detergent, as this can leave behind residue that can make towels feel stiff. Instead, choose a mild detergent and use the amount recommended on the label.

2. Don’t use fabric softener.

Fabric softener may seem like a good way to keep towels soft, but it can actually make them less absorbent. If you want to use a fabric softener, choose one that is specifically designed for towels.

3. Wash in cool water.

Hot water can cause towels to shrink and become less absorbent. To keep your towels looking and feeling their best, wash them in cool or warm water.

4. Avoid overloading the washing machine.

Overloading the washing machine can cause towels to become tangled and less absorbent. To avoid this, wash towels in small batches.

5. Use a gentle cycle.

Towels can be washed on a regular cycle, but if you want to extend their life, use a gentle cycle instead. This will help preserve the fabric and prevent them from shrinking.

6. Hang towels to dry.

Towels can be tumble dried on low heat, but hanging them to dry will help extend their life. If possible, hang towels in a sunny spot to help them dry faster.

7. Avoid using bleach.

Bleach can damage the fibers in towels, making them less absorbent and more likely to shrink. If you need to use bleach, choose a color-safe variety and use it sparingly.

8. Store towels in a cool, dry place.

Towels should be stored in a cool, dry place to prevent them from mildewing. Avoid storing towels in damp areas, such as the bathroom, laundry room, or basement.

9. Inspect towels regularly.

Inspect your towels regularly for signs of wear and tear. If you notice any fraying or damage, replace the towel with a new one.

10. Follow the care label.

When in doubt, always follow the care label on your towels. This will help you avoid damaging them and keep them looking and feeling their best. Moreover, understanding what the care label says will allow you to properly take care of your towels so they can last longer.

By following these ten tips, you can keep your towels soft and absorbent for years to come.


If you want your towels to stay soft, follow these tips. Use the right detergent, wash in cool water, and avoid using bleach. You should also store towels in a cool, dry place and inspect them regularly for signs of wear and tear.

Finally, always follow the care label on your towels. By following these tips, you can keep your towels soft and absorbent for years to come.